Title H1

Established in 1928, Ben's Cycle has been family owned and operated in the same Milwaukee neighborhood for over 80 years.

Ben Hanoski created Ben's Cycle in 1928, passed it on to son Larry, and now 3 generations later it is owned and operated by Ben's grandson, Vince. We specialize in hard-to-find, high quality bicycle products at competitive prices. If there is something you're looking for that you can't find on this site, be sure to give us a call. Chances are we have it in stock or can order it for you.

We sell and service everything from Schwinn coaster brake bicycles to S-Works electronic. We have a huge inventory stop in today!

Milwaukee Bicycle Co.

Ben Hanoski created Ben's Cycle in 1928, passed it on to son Larry, and now 3 generations later it is owned and operated by Ben's grandson, Vince. We specialize in hard-to-find, high quality bicycle products at competitive prices. If there is something you're looking for that you can't find on this site, be sure to give us a call. Chances are we have it in stock or can order it for you.

We sell and service everything from Schwinn coaster brake bicycles to S-Works electronic. We have a huge inventory stop in today!

Store Hours


Mon, Tues, Wed10am - 6pm
Thur, Fri10am - 7pm
Saturday9am - 4pm
Sunday10am - 2pm

Contact Information


Local Area Sales:414.384.2236
Local Area Service:414.384.2236
Product Questions:414.384.2274
Web Order:414.384.2274
eBay Order:414.384.2274
USA Tollfree:1.888.275.5111

Driving Directions