Okay, you've got your saddlebag. It's a nice classy cotton duck number. Or maybe not...we're not here to judge. Different strokes for different folks, right? Regardless, its all loaded up and floppin' around all over the place. Here is the solution. This support mounts to the rails of your saddle and holds your bag in place vertically and cuts back on the back and forth sway. It comes in two sizes, Sport and Expedition. The Expedition is a bit larger to accommodate a bigger bag. You also have to options to mount your bag. With the Standard version, you'll need to use the straps to affix your bag to your saddles loops. You'll need a saddle with said saddle loops. No loops? No problem! With the Quick Release version, you'll mount your bag to a little composite doo-hickey the quickly attaches and detaches to the support. Nice!
Fitment according to Carradice...
Sport: Barley, Junior, Pendle, Lowsaddle Longflap and Super C Audax
Expedition: Cadet, Nelson, Nelson Longflap, Camper Longflap and Super C Saddlebag